(set _G.port 50625) (set _G.use-http false) (local usage (: "Usage: %s [-h] [-p] [--use-http] Options: -h, --help Show this help message and exit -p, --port Set the port number for the server. Don't change this unless you're running the server locally --use-http Use http instead of https. Only recommended when running the server locally " :format (. arg 0))) (for [i 1 (length arg)] (tset arg i (: (. arg i) :gsub "^%-+" "")) (if (or (= (. arg i) :h) (= (. arg i) :help)) (do (print usage) (os.exit)) (or (= (. arg i) :p) (= (. arg i) :port)) (do (set _G.port (. arg (+ i 1))) (set-forcibly! i (+ i 1))) (= (. arg i) :use-http) (set _G.use-http true)))