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What is a "natalie?"

natalie is an entity that has been observed to be called natalie. it is known to be referred to as a "she" or an "it." it is frequently told it is "cat brained" by humans it associates with. natalie-info.html was last modified on $[stat -c %y ./html/natalie-info.html | head -c 10].

Timezone (this is currently broken? I don't know why. The correct time is PDT or the other one)

its really quite odd, the commands run to generate this section are just date "+%Z (UTC%z)" and date +%T. When I run these in an ssh session, they give expected output, but when the server executes them, it thinks its in UTC. baffling. Timezone I am in: $[date "+%Z (UTC%z)"]
The local time as of this page being requested was: $[date +%T]

Other online presence

Discord: _natalieeee_ Email: natalie@natalieee.net

Other things

I will probably include information about myself that is vaguely identifiable. This is a bad idea, but I don't think anyone actually cares about messing with me enough to do anything bad with whatever information is available here. I am comically bad at writing about myself, so I will disguise my shortcomings by making a list.

Vaguely funny things I have done (Don't read this if you are employed by Portland public schools)

Music I listen to (you should too)

I am going to use this as a means by which I can impose music recommendations upon whoever reads this page. According to a hacky script I wrote that tracks what songs I listen to with mpd, here are artists I like:
place playcount artist
1 1935 Black Dresses
2 745 Ada Rook
3 425 Angel Electronics
4 419 rook&nomie
5 360 Reliqa
6 282 Destroy Boys
7 238 Rachel Rose Mitchell
8 221 Cellar Darling
9 218 Florence + The Machine
10 193 Spiritbox
11 141 Inferiority Complex
12 111 Ignea
13 101 Ada Rook/ASH NERVE
14 97 Ada Rook/Sunrise Transparence
15 80 Penelope Scott
16 71 Seas on the Moon/Lena Scissorhands
17 61 Ada Rook/Ash Nerve/Sunrise Transparence/Stephen Spies
18 60 Seas on the Moon
19 52 girl in red
20 50 Cassyette
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