diff --git a/src/html/natalie-info.lisp b/src/html/natalie-info.lisp index bf8cf9a..bad9b58 100644 --- a/src/html/natalie-info.lisp +++ b/src/html/natalie-info.lisp @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ (p () "words are not a thing I am good at. this is exacerbaited when the words are about myself." "despite this, I shall attempt a suitable description of myself.") (br) - "ideally, I am to be referred to as an \"it\" or a \"she\". the former is preferred to some degree" (br) - "timezone I am in: " (exec-command "date +%Z (UTC%z)") (br) + "ideally, I am to be referred to as an \"it\" or a \"she\". the former is preferred to some degree. I suppose I may reasonably be described as asexual. " (br) + "timezone I am in: " ,(exec-command "date '+%Z (UTC%z)'") (br) "age: $[echo $(( $(date +%s) - $(date -d \"2007-04-01\" +%s) ))] seconds. that is $[echo \"scale=8; ($(date +%s) - $(date -d '2007-04-01' +%s)) / (365.25*24*3600)\" | bc] [earth] years." (br) "I am kind of a college student. it is complicated. I will be a college student with less complicated circumstances by fall of 2025, barring unforseen circumstances." (br) "I like systems. particularly ones that have reasonably consistent behavior based on a set of rules. this is omnipresent in my interests." (br)