Compare commits
No commits in common. "" and "main" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
(defun exec-command (command &key (env-vars nil))
(defun exec-command (command &key (env-vars nil))
(let* ((default-env '(("PATH" . "\"$PATH:./scripts\"")))
(let* ((default-env '(("PATH" . "\"$PATH:./scripts\"")))
(combined-env (append default-env env-vars))
(combined-env (append default-env env-vars))
(cd-command "cd ./site ; ")
(full-command (format nil "~{~a=~a~} ; ~a"
(full-command (format nil "~{~a=~a~} ; ~a~a"
(mapcan (lambda (kv) (list (car kv) (cdr kv)))
(mapcan (lambda (kv) (list (car kv) (cdr kv)))
(with-open-stream (output-stream
(with-open-stream (output-stream
(ext:run-program "/bin/bash" :arguments (list "-c" full-command)
(ext:run-program "/bin/sh" :arguments (list "-c" full-command)
:output :stream))
:output :stream))
(with-output-to-string (result)
(with-output-to-string (result)
(loop for line = (read-line output-stream nil nil)
(loop for line = (read-line output-stream nil nil)
@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
(load "html.lisp")
(load "html.lisp")
(load "exec.lisp")
(load "exec.lisp")
(load "utils.lisp")
(load "templates/page.lsp")
(load "templates/page.lisp")
(ql:quickload "uiop")
(ql:quickload "uiop")
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "index of {path}"
'((section ()
(h1 () "index of {path}")
(table ()
(tbody ()
(tr () (th () (p () "name"))(th () (p () "last modified"))(th () (p () "creation date"))(th () (p () "size")))
(tr () (th (:colspan "4") (hr)))
"$[for file in $(ls {path}); do echo \"<tr><td><a href=/{path}/$file>$file</a></td><td>$(stat -c %y {path}/$file | head -c 16)</td><td><p>$(stat -c %y {path}/$file | head -c 10)</p></td><td align=right>$(numfmt --to=iec --suffix=B $(stat -c %s {path}/$file))</td></tr>\"; done | sed 's/\\/\\//\\//g']"
(tr () (th (:colspan "4") (hr)))))))))
@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "home" `((section ()
(p ()
"this thing is known as natalie[ee]"
"$[find files/homepage-statements/* | shuf -n1 | xargs -I % cat %]"
"it is not sure what it is going to use this site for, said website only exists because it was <del>procrastinating its calculus homework</del> bored one day"
"website homepage visit-counter: $[echo visit >> files/home_visit_counter; cat files/home_visit_counter | wc -l]"
"if you are here, it is rather curious as to why. it encourages you to use the post arbitrary data section of this page to tell it how you found this site."))
(section ()
(h2 () "particularly notable pages")
(a (:href "/html/site-info.html") "information about this website")
(a (:href "/html/natalie-info.html") "information about this natalie")
(a (:href "/html/blog/index.html") "there is a [currently broken] blog. it does not frequently use it.")
(a (:href "/html/random-thoughts.html") "arbitrary natalie thoughts. they are interesting, sometimes")
(a (:href "/html/cool-sites.html") "other webloci"))
(section ()
(h2 () "directories")
(span () ,(exec-command "find -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed 1d | sed 's/\\.\\///g' | xargs -I% echo \"<a href=%>%</a>\" | grep -v pycache | grep -v .git")))
(section ()
(h2 () "changelog")
(pre () ,(exec-command "cat changelog")))
(section ()
(h2 () "site file tree")
(p () "(as of last build)")
(details ()
(summary () "file tree hidden for brevity")
,(exec-command "tree . | sed 's/^\\./site/; s/─/-/g; s/├/|/g; s/└/\\\\/g; s/│/|/g' | sed '1i<pre>' | sed '$a</pre>'")))
(section ()
(h2 () "88x31 collection")
(span () ,(exec-command "for file in ./files/88x31/*; do (file -i \"$file\" | grep -qE 'image/') && echo \"<img src=\\\"$file\\\" width=88 height=31/>\" || cat \"$file\"; done | shuf")))
(section ()
(h2 () "post arbitrary data to be displayed here")
"yes, it does sanitize this" (a (:href "/html/albert-hack-1.html") "<del>(No you don't --sanitization tester)</del>") "yes, it does")
(section (:class "ignore-section")
(form (:action "#" :method "post")
(label (:for "text") "post text:")
(input (:type "text" :id "text" :name "text" :required))
(label (:for "name") "username:")
(input (:type "text" :id "name" :name "name" :required))
(button (:type "submit") "submit"))
(div ()
"$[ls -r ./files/posts-to-homepage | while read -r file; do echo \"<div class=post>$(cat files/posts-to-homepage/${file})</div>\"; done]")))))
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "albert" `((section ()
(h1 () "a friend hacked its website.")
(p () "but how?"))
(section ()
(p () "
prior to natalie rewriting the backend of its website, there was a bug that would allow a bash command in a comment inside $[echo \\$\\[]] and not containing < or &rt; to be executed upon querrying the url /html/%2e%2e/files/posts-to-homepage/{post file}.
this was due to any url beginning with '/html/' being unconditionally put through parse_file(), which generates static content from the embedded bash in the html (see <a href='/html/site-info.html'></a>).
in addition to this, the source code of the server could be attained via a similar method, requesting the path of the file, but with /files/ or /html/ in front of it, followed by %2e%2e.")
(p () "
albert was able to exploit this by first getting the source code of the webserver via the second method discussed above, examining it, and deducing the first vulnerability mentioned above.
upon discovering the RCE available via the comment untrusted command evaluation, they were able to add an ssh key to this one's server and thus gain a shell.
amazingly, at the same time that they did this, natalie's other friend's girlfriend (appearing in the comments as gexfan) was halfheartedly trying to mess with its site.
this ended with around 15 messages on discord telling it its site had been hacked, only around two of which were from albert.")))))
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "blogosphere"
`((section ()
(h1 () "natalie's subunit of the blogosphere")
(h2 () "this is currently broken because it is a fool")
"it does not know if it will use this, but it was bored and thus have made a blog system")
(section ()
(h2 () "posts")
(table ()
(tbody ()
(tr () (th () (p () "title")) (th () (p () "editted")) (th () (p () "posted")) (th () (p () "size")))
(tr () (th (:colspan 4) (hr)))
,(exec-command "for file in $(ls ./site/html/blog/posts --time=creation); do echo \"<tr><td><a href=\\\"/html/blog/posts/$file\\\">$file</a></td><td>$(stat -c %y site/html/blog/posts/$file | head -c 16)</td><td><p>$(stat -c %y site/html/blog/posts/$file | head -c 10)</p></td><td align=\\\"right\\\">$(numfmt --to=iec --suffix=B $(stat -c %s \"site/html/blog/posts/$file\"))</td></tr>\"; done | sed 's/\\\/\\\//\\\//g'")
(tr () (th (:colspan 4)))))))))
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "{adjective} websites" `((section ()
(h1 () "{adjective} websites")
(ul ()
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" a graph of website badges.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "transgendering")
" this one is interesting to explore.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" cdc saul goodman.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" weird wikipedia mirror.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" who knows.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" a random ufl student's files sitting on some university server somewhere, for some reason.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" a cool programming language.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" warning sign generator.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" nuclear regulatory commission agencywide documents access and management system.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" random professor's homepage.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" this entity seems odd.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" i quite like the w3 subdomain of the princeton plasma physics laboratory.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" she owns less thinkpads than this one does. brainwormed.")
(li ()
(a (:href "") "")
" buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz")))
"this website compelled natalie to put it somewhere:"
(a (:href "") (img (:src ""))))
(section ()
(h2 () "entities that it sometimes interact with physically")
(span ()
"winter: "
(a (:href "") "")
(a (:href "")
(img (:style "float: right" :src "../files/88x31/"))))
(span ()
"odette: "
(a (:href "") " (stupid idiot who types <hr/>)")
" Semi functional now")
(span ()
"albert: "
(a (:href "") "")
" (down? dns issue maybe)")
(span ()
"sam: "
(a (:href "") "")
(a (:href "")
(img (:style "float: right" :src ""))))))))
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "discord"
`((section ()
(h1 () "discord")
"as it is not particularly partial to internet centralization, and seeing as it has had discord accounts get banned for seemingly nothing, it is not particularly fond of using discord."
"unfortunately, humans that it like speaking to use discord in large enough volumes that it is likely to be rather challenging to convince all of the ones it particularly care about to migrate to some other platform."
"this is not a very nice state of things."))))
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "laptop"
`((section ()
(h1 () "natalie's laptop is rather haunted")
"see also: " (a (:href "/html/its-old-laptop.html") "old laptop")
"natalie is bad at using technology."
"this is not due to lack of technical ability, but instead due to the accumulation of unreasonable quirks over time in every computer it exerts any degree of control over.")
(section ()
(h2 () "booting and the operating system")
(p () "natalie does not use a bootloader." ,(exec-command "make-footnote \"it finds them to be very annoying and in its experience unreliable\"")
"instead, it has a custom kernel build based off the arch kernel with filesystem and compression drivers such that it can boot straight from its kernel. "
"it also does not have an initramfs.")
(p () "technically, natalie does not use arch linux. "
"it uses [a custom build of] the arch kernel and arch package repos, but actually run artix. "
"a function of this is that instead of systemd, it uses openrc.")
,(exec-command "put-footnotes"))
(section ()
(h2 () "seat management and hardware issue mitigation")
(p () "natalie once thought it would be entertaining to remove elogind from its system. "
"of course, it was still required to be installed as a library, but disabling it was trivial. "
"it was replaced with seatd for seat management and acpid to suspend its computer when natalie closes the lid. "
"this worked for a time, however after a couple months of this setup, elogind inexplicably began to be started by the init system. "
"it does not know how or why, it did not change anything, nor is there anything matching 'elogind' in /etc/init.d/. "
"this was bad because it would interfere with acpid.")
(h3 () "the solution")
(pre () "~ λ cat /etc/acpi/
cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID0/state | grep open && (modprobe i2c_hid_acpi) || (
killall elogind-daemon
rmmod i2c_hid_acpi
(test -e /home/catalie/.should-power-off) && s2ram)")
(p () "natalie overcame this issue simply by attempting to kill elogind every time it closes the lid of its computer.")
(p () "you may wonder, why is it running rmmod i2c_hid_acpi every time it close its laptop's lid. "
"you see, the framework 16 has an issue in which the trackpad and keyboard are not properly barred from waking the computer from suspend while the lid is closed. "
"in addition to this, the screen can flex just enough to press a key or bump the trackpad. "
"this causes the laptop to wake in its bag and attempt to boil the contents of its backpack. "
"the keyboard waking the computer from suspend can be ammended by running "
(pre () "sudo acpitool -w | grep enabled | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/\\.//' | xargs -I{} sudo acpitool -W {}")
"however, the trackpad is not in the list of acpi wakeup devices for whatever reason. "
"thus, upon the lid being closed, it simply unloads the kernel module the trackpad requires and load it again upon opening the lid."))
(section ()
(h2 () "environment")
(p () "it use wayland, specifically hyprland. "
"this is unfortunate because it is bad software (this will be elaborated upon), but natalie like the special workspace system. "
"its status bar and notification system are written in gjs with ags. it resents this because it involves javascript, but oh well. "
"when libastal gets documentation, it will probably rewrite its ui in that. "
"its terminal emulator is foot because foot does not implement unecessary features."))
(section ()
(h2 () "keyboard")
(p () "unlike its previous laptops, it had the option to buy this laptop such that it came with a blank keyboard. "
"in accordance with this, natalie has not sanded its keyboard. "
"the framework 16 keyboard runs qmk, this is very nice. "
"the keyboard firmware is now hardcoded to be dvorak instead of using a custom console and xkb map. "
"on one hand this is nice because it means natalie does not need to edit xkb files to remap caps lock to control, but on the other hand if natalie plugs an external keyboard in to its laptop, it will be qwerty and natalie will have to load its xkb map or type in qwerty. it can probably type in qwerty. "
"it needs to remember to finish its keyboard config at some point. also, it should make the button that breaks the keyboard until it removes it and put it back in harder to press."))
(section ()
(h2 () "irregular bugs")
(ul ()
(li () "killing firefox kills its compositor what it would estimate to be 20% of the time")
(li () "killing firefox causes its headphones to disconnect what it would estimate to be 40% of the time")
(li () "setting firefox to be a floating window causes its entire computer to freeze roughly 10% of the time" ,(exec-command "make-footnote \"it should probably make new firefox profiles. its current firefox profile is haunted, as it has been using it since 7th grade.\""))
(li () "no audio devices other than its headphones are recognized after boot until it runs "
(pre () "unfuck audio"))
(li () "when displaying in any web browser, or a screenshot of this webpage fullscreen on its laptop in any wayland compositor, the computer screen starts flickering. it only occures with this page. unplugging the computer causes the flickering to reduce in frequency. this will not occur if the mouse pointer is not in the top 2/5ths of the screen." ,(exec-command "make-footnote \"what on earth\""))
(li () "closing its computer causes network manager to become inoperable. it does not crash, it just stops working.")
(li () "closing its computer causes firefox to be unable to retrieve data regardless of if network manager is working")
(li () "sometimes, pipewire ceases to function. this typically happens after several days of uptime."))
,(exec-command "put-footnotes")))))
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "laptop (old)"
`((section ()
(h1 () "its old laptop")
(p () "see " (a (:href "/html/blog/posts/new-laptop.html") "blog post") (br) "and " (a (:href "/html/its-laptop.html") "updated page"))
(p () "currently, this one is using a T530 that has been heavily modified. "
"it used to use a W530, but it fucked it up trying to install tianocore on it and it has not bothered to fix the bios on it yet. "
"it has preordered a framework 16 because it is the definition of that company's target audience. "
"since W530s and T530s are basically identical barring the mainboard, there is no external difference between its W530 and T530 because it just yoinked all the parts from the W530."
(section ()
(image-column-container ()
(image-container ()
(flex-column (:style "margin-right: 10px;")
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/laptop-keyboard.png\" \"photograph of its laptop's keyboard, which is blank because it sanded it.\"")
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/laptop-radio.jpg\" \"the software defined radio that goes in its laptop's disc drive.\"")
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/keybinds_graph.png\" \"graph of its keybindings, they are hard to see\"")
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/laptop-charger-barrel.jpg\" \"charger barrel size adapter sticking out the back of its laptop\"")))
(text-column ()
(p () "natalie has put an unreasonable amount of time in to messing with its laptop and as such it is equally unreasonably proud of it."
(h3 () "hardware modifications it has made to its laptop:")
(p () (ul ()
(li () "installed an older model's keyboard")
(li () "sanded the keyboard such that it is blank.")
(li () "upgraded most of its parts.")
(li () "put an SDR in its disc drive")
(li () "replaced the charging barrel with a worst bodge ever contest finalist because it left its charger at school for a weekend once and wanted to use its laptop."))
"additionally, it has written a custom xkb file. unfortunately the geometry file hasn't been updated since it modded in the new keyboard, but here it is anyways:"
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/laptop-xkb-geometry.png\" \"its xkb geometry file compiled to a pdf\"")
(p () "disregard the fucked up escape key, it was messing with it earlier. this thing's keyboard isn't that notable beyond binding control to caps lock and binding the old control key to mode_switch. "
"additionally, when mode_switch is pressed while an alphabetic key is pressed, it types a greek letter instead.")
(p () "it run artix (for the anti systemd meme), though upon getting its framework it intends to switch to gentoo. "
"natalie uses i3 as its window manager with a somewhat cursed script to programmatically generate its config from a yaml file. "
"this script is vaguely necessary because:"
(ul ()
(li () "it wanted a (programmatically generated) graph of all its keybinds as leaf nodes with different modes as trunk nodes and individual keys as edges")
(li () "it wanted to easily nest an arbitrarily large number of modes without it being a hassle"))
"an example of the function of this script is something like"
(div (:class "code-container")
(div :class "io-container"
(h3 () "input (yaml):")
(pre () (code () "
a: !Mode
name: a
b: !Mode
name: b
keybinds: ...")))
(div (:class "io-container")
(h3 () "output (i3config):")
(pre () (code () "
mode a {
bindsym b mode b
mode b {
bindsym ... ...
bindsym a mode a")))))
(p () "From the yaml config, natalie's python script can parse it either into a (really bad) graph of keybinds (using the graphviz library or something like that) or into a valid i3 config file. "
"in its real config, it has a mode 'base' which is the default mode with no keybinds other than mod4+space, followed by a mode 'space' reached by pressing mod4+space. "
"from 'space' mode, other modes may be accessed, such as 'workspaces or windows' mode, bound under w. "
"this gets rather absurd (intentionally so) very quickly. "
"the combination to move to workspace 0 while in 'base' mode is to press mod4+space ('space' mode), w ('workspaces_or_windows' mode), s ('workspaces'), g ('workspaces_goto'), 0 (move to workspace 0).")
(p () "this system results in horrible user experience (not that it cares), great security (close to least intuitive setup possible), and—most importantly—an incredibly stupid graph of keybinds. "
"it find this unreasonably amusing.")
(p () "to this thing's endless amusement, it may be partially to blame for the niri compositor having keybinding modes")
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/niri-dev-keybind-graph.png \" \"YaLTeR, the niri dev, seeing this one's keybind graph and deciding to implement keybinding modes\"")))))))
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "natalie info" `((section ()
(h1 () "what is a \"natalie\"?")
(span ()
"it is <a href='/html/natalie-sightings.html'>natalie</a>."
,(exec-command "make-footnote 'the natalie is provided \"as is\", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. in no event shall the copyright holders or anyone distributing the natalie be liable for any damages or other liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the natalie or the use or other dealings in the natalie.'")
(p ()
"words are not a thing it is good at. this is exacerbaited when the words are about itself. "
"despite this, it shall attempt a suitable description of itself.")
(p ()
"ideally, natalie is to be referred to as an \"it\" or a \"she\".",(exec-command "make-footnote \" the former is preferred.\"") "additionally, it generally prefers being referred to using 3rd person pronouns, or as \"this thing\" or \"that one\". it supposes it may reasonably be described as asexual. " (br)
"timezone it is in: PST/PDT" (br)
"age: $[echo $(( $(date +%s) - $(date -d \"2007-04-01\" +%s) ))] seconds. that is $[echo \"scale=8; ($(date +%s) - $(date -d '2007-04-01' +%s)) / (365.25*24*3600)\" | bc] [earth] years." (br)
"it is kind of a college student. this is complicated. it will be a college student with less complicated circumstances by fall of 2025, barring unforseen circumstances." (br)
"natalie likes systems. particularly ones that have reasonably consistent behavior based on a set of rules. this is omnipresent in its interests." (br)
"list of its interests (incomplete):"
(ul ()
(li () "technical computer things, so long as they do not involve javascript")
(li () "infrastructure, particularly pertaining to trains")
(li () "languistics, especially conlangs")
(li () "key making and lock picking")
(li () "math"))
"things that it enjoys:"
(ul ()
(li () "friends")
(li () "going on long walks")
(li () "utilizing public transportation")
(li () "train tracks"))
"things that it finds displeasing:"
(ul ()
(li () "grease or oil on its skin")
(li () "non friend people")
(li () "ultraviolet radiation")
(li () "busywork")))
,(exec-command "put-footnotes"))
(section ()
(h2 () "somewhat irregular natalie facts")
(ul ()
(li () "it owns 12 thinkpads, all of which were manufactured prior to 2014")
(li () "the number of people that can effectively use its computer is, to its knowledge, 1 (natalie)" ,(exec-command "make-footnote \"the number of people it knows who can type on it is 3, including itself\""))
(li () "it can replace the screen on its first generation iphone se a1662 in 70 seconds"))
,(exec-command "put-footnotes"))
(section ()
(h2 () "contact information")
(a (:href "/html/discord.html") "discord: _natalieeee_")
"email: natalie at" (br)
(section ()
(h2 () "some of its computers")
(p () "it owns many computers, none of them are normal. particularly notable instances of this phenomenon will be noted below:")
(ul ()
(li () ,(exec-command "make-link /html/its-laptop.html 'its framework 16'")
(li () ,(exec-command "make-link /html/its-old-laptop.html 'its old {w,t}530'"))
(li () ,(exec-command "make-link /html/server-migration.html 'the server this site runs on'"))))))))
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "natalie sightings" `((section ()
(h1 () "natalie sightings")
(p () "these are reasonably rare"
"these photographs are uneditted, some of the cameras that were used to take them are simply quite bad"))
(section ()
(flex-grid () ,(exec-command "for file in files/natalie-sightings/*; do echo \"<flex-grid-item>$(img-caption \"/$file\")</flex-grid-item>\"; done"))))))
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "natalie \"thoughts\"" `((section ()
(h1 () "arbitrary thoughts generated by natalie")
"it is bad lat thinking of things to make blog posts for. this webpage might contain things that it would put in a blog post if it was more proficient at writing filler. it might also contain other things.")
,(exec-command "for file in ./html/thoughts/*; do echo $(grep DATE $file | awk '{print $3 $4}') $file; done | sort -k1,1 -r | cut -d' ' -f2 | while read -r file; do echo \"<section><details id='$(basename $file)'><summary>$(grep '^<!-- DATE:' $file | sed 's/^<!-- DATE: //; s/-->$//; s/.$//'): $(grep '^<!-- TITLE:' $file | sed 's/^<!-- TITLE: //; s/-->$//')</summary><div class=thought>$(include $file)</details></section>\"; done"))))
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "server migration"
`((section ()
(h1 () "this website runs on a big server now")
"it used to run on a dell optiplex 3040 natalie had laying around, but it got a server from the school basement (you can just take their servers, apparently).")
(section ()
(image-column-container ()
(image-container ()
(flex-column ()
,(exec-command "img-caption \"/files/natalie-holding-server.png\" \"natalie holding the server it got from the school basement\"")))
(text-column ()
(h2 () "why does it have a server from its school's basement?")
(p ()
"at the time, its school was at a temporary campus while our regular campus is being remodelled. "
"(it hope this means there will be less lead in the water when they are done, but given how the district is, who knows.) "
"the current campus is notably smaller than the regular campus, thus a large amount of things are in storage. "
"the man who is in charge of the storage and moving stored items back to the new campus does not like moving items. "
"for this reason, when it ask him to let it in to the school's basement to just take random cool things, he says yes.")
(h2 () "it is kind of horrible that this thing has this server")
(p ()
"this server used to be part of the district's network infrastructure.
when natalie got it, it had an unencrypted raid array on the disks that contained district information.
it should not have been stored like this, and natalie definitely should not have been allowed to take it.
natalie did of course wipe the drives and didn't even look at what was on them beyond identifying that it was from the district because it is a good {thing}.")))))))
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
(defun join-strings-with-br (strings)
(reduce (lambda (acc str)
(if (string= acc "")
(concatenate 'string acc "<br>" str)))
:initial-value ""))
(defun html ()
(page "site info"
`((section ()
(h1 () "information about this website"))
(section ()
(h2 () "/(.*\\.)?")
(h3 () "why?")
(p () "natalie was displeased with its former status of not having a website")
(h3 () "how?")
(p () "requests to /(.*\\.)? get routed to nginx, which acts as a proxy for various subdomains. "
"nginx routes requests to /^ to this webserver, which is named "
(a (:href "") "sludge") ". "
"requests to /.*\\ are routed according to the /.*\\ section."))
(section ()
(h2 () "/^")
(p () "the root domain of this website, which you are currently observing, is running sludge. "
"the colors of both the light and dark mode are based off of the colorscheme of this one's laptop.")
(p ()
"the html for this website is generated using <a href=\"\">htmlgen</a>."
"if you are curious as to why, please see the posts from 2024-08-21 and 2024-09-01 <a href=\"/html/random-thoughts.html\">here</a>."))
(section ()
(h2 () "sludge")
(h3 () "what is a sludge?")
(p () "s[ite][k]ludge is natalie's from-scratch webserver. it has features.")
(h3 () "why?")
(p () "it dislikes \"web development\". also, it was bored.")
(h3 () "what does sludge do?")
(ul ()
(li () "send data")
(li () "receive data")
(li () "process data")
(li () "create new data")
(li () "move data")
(li () "coerce data[types]")
(li () "other verbs prepended to data"))
(h3 () "how does sludge?")
(p () "sludge receives requests for paths. if these paths are in the routing table, it determines what it should respond with. "
"generally, if the path starts with /html/, it will read an html document from the filesystem. "
"following this, it will locate any instance of \"{key}\" and replace these instances with a value determined by a function associated to the route being requested in the routing table. "
"after substituting these values, it will find any instances of the pattern \"$[echo \\$[...]]\", where ... is a valid bash expression. "
"for each match, it replaces the original matching text with the output of said text executed in bash. "
"this functions as a static sight generator. an example of this is the headers on this site, which are included via the following expression: \"$[echo \\$[include ./html/header.html]]\"")
(p () "sludge also has the ability to apply arbitrary edits to outgoing data prior to said data being sent, but after it has been generated. "
"you may observe this "
(a (:href "?uwu=true") "here") "."))
(section ()
(h2 () "webocodynamics of")
(p ()
"the means by which this website runs involves an unreasonable number of symlinks. here is a textual description of a graph of them:")
(pre ()
(code ()
,(join-strings-with-br '(
"site -> s​ludge [label=s​ludge]"
"s​ludge -> site [label=site]"
"htmlgen -> site [label=out]"
"htmlgen -> site [label=site]"))))
(p ()
"one may ask: why?"
(br) (br)
"the answer to such a question is that sludge runs with a working directory of ~/site, but scripts in ~/site/scripts must be able to import files from ~/sludge (specifically ~/site/scripts/include). "
"htmlgen needs to be able to read scripts in ~/site/scripts to run commands at compile time. htmlgen writes html to ~/htmlgen/out, thus the double symlink to ~/site. "
"technically, this could all be done without symlinks. this is vaguely more robust because in the event that natalie moves something, it simply need to change the symlinks instead of the paths in arbitrarily many files. "
"nevertheless" ,(exec-command "make-footnote \"nevertheless is a stupid work\"") ", the number of symlinks is amusing.")
,(exec-command "put-footnotes"))
(section ()
(h2 () "/.*\\")
(ul ()
(li () ,(exec-command "make-link") ": Gitea instance. You may use it if you feel so inclined for some reason. it vaguely advises against this.")
(li () "" ": Pointless CNAME record to its main domain so that entities using its dns (once a number greater than 0!) can put down as their nameserver instead of")
(li () " mpd server that its friend asked it to create. it can probably be bothered in to giving arbitrary people credentials if they for some reason wish to listen to the music that it is listening to in such a roundabout way")
(li () ,(exec-command "make-link") ": a slightly worse and personal server. created because it was annoyed by discord's upload limit."))))))
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
(defun html ()
(page "woah, data"
`((section ()
(h1 () "stats! data! wow!")
"boring information about it and its computers, delivered right to your web browser (or terminal)!"
"why collect information about people visiting this site when they could instead collect information about this natalie?")
(section ()
(h2 () "information:")
,(exec-command "for line in $(cat sludge/src/lib/ | grep Route -A1 | grep '/stats/' | sed \"s/'//g; s/,//g\" | cut -d= -f3); do echo \"$(make-link $line)\"; done")))))
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
(defun footer ()
`(footer ()
(div ()
"page rendered at $[date +%s]"
"page compiled at " ,(exec-command "date +%s"))
,(exec-command "include files/88x31/")
(div ()
(footnote (:style "margin-top: 5px") "all content, with the exception of 88x31 buttons or unless otherwise noted is created by me and is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license."))
(a (:href "")
(img (:src "/files/by-nc-sa.png" :alt "license 88x31" :width "88" :height "31")))))
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
(defun header ()
`(header ()
,(exec-command "echo > /tmp/footnote_count")
(nav ()
(ul ()
(li ()
(h1 () "$[(for i in {0..10}; do echo; done; echo | shuf -n1]"))
(li ()
(a (:href "/") "home"))
(li ()
(a (:href "..") "back"))
(li ()
(a (:href "/html/site-info.html") "site info"))
(li ()
(a (:href "/html/natalie-info.html") "natalie info"))))))
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
(load "./templates/header.lisp")
(load "./templates/footer.lisp")
(defun page (title html)
`(html (:lang "en")
(head ()
(meta (:http-equiv "content-type" :content "text/html; charset=utf-8"))
(meta (:name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"))
(link (:rel "stylesheet" :href "/style.css"))
(title () ,title))
(body ()
(main ()
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
(defun join-strings-with-br (strings)
(reduce (lambda (acc str)
(if (string= acc "")
(concatenate 'string acc "<br>" str)))
:initial-value ""))
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