2024-11-03 02:50:06 -08:00

20 lines
1.2 KiB
Common Lisp

(defun footer ()
`(footer ()
(div ()
"page rendered at $[date +%s]"
"page compiled at " ,(exec-command "date +%s"))
,(exec-command "include files/88x31/")
(div ()
(footnote (:style "margin-top: 5px") "all content, with the exception of 88x31 buttons or unless otherwise noted is created by natalie and is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license."))
(a (:href "")
(img (:src "/files/by-nc-sa.png" :alt "license 88x31" :width "88" :height "31")))
(footnote (:style "margin-top: 5px") "▖▖▖▖▘▖▖▖▖▘▌▖▖▖▘"
(div (:style "flex-direction: row; width: 14ch; gap: 1ch; margin-right: 5px;")
(a (:href "") "<-")
(a (:href "") "roboring")
(a (:href "") "->")))
(div ())
(noscript () (footnote () "oh good, the reader has javascript disabled."))))