diff --git a/html/thoughts/dollcode b/html/thoughts/dollcode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d189d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/thoughts/dollcode
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+recently, dollcode (two track pharmacode except rewritten by autistic transgender girlthings) has become a thing frequently utilized by this one's friends.
+this is inconvenient, because many of them have written their own transcoders for the format which can handle arbitrarily large numbers.
+the only two translators (this and this) this one could find online did not support messages that were represented as numbers larger than the 64 bit integer limit.
+thusly, it simply could not read some of its friend's messages.
+the optimal solution to such a problem was probably either asking the sender what their message said or asking them for their transcoder program.
+this one did neither.
+~/src/dollcode λ cat dollcode +#!/usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'python3 -c "__import__(\"sys\").setrecursionlimit(2**31-1); exec(open(\"$(which dollcode)\").read())" "$@"' _ +print((lambda d, ud, args: + d(int(args[-1])) if '-n' in args else + d(int(''.join(map(lambda x: str(hex(ord(x))[2::]), args[-1])), 16)) if '-a' in args else + ud(args[-1]) if '-dn' in args else + (lambda h: ''.join(map(lambda i: chr(int(h[i:i+2], 16)), range(0, len(h), 2))))(hex(ud(args[-1]))[2::]) if '-da' in args else + "0x6e6174\'s dollcode conversion tool\n" + "\t-n: encode decimal number as dollcode\n" + "\t-a: encode ascii string as dollcode\n" + "\t-dn: decode dollcode as decimal\n" + "\t-da: decode dollcode as ascii string" +)(lambda n: ''.join(map(lambda n: ''.join(['▖','▘','▌'][int(n)]), (lambda f: (lambda x: f(lambda y: x(x)(y))) (lambda x: f(lambda y: x(x)(y))))(lambda f: lambda n: (lambda x, y: str(f(x)) + str(y))(*divmod(n-1, 3)) if n else '')(n))), + lambda d: __import__('functools').reduce(lambda a, d: a * 3 + d, map(lambda x: {'▖': 1, '▘': 2, '▌': 3}[x], d), 0), + __import__('sys').argv) +) ++also, it can be written in one line (ignoring the shebang): +
+~/src/dollcode λ cat $(which dollcode) +#!/usr/bin/env -S bash -c 'python3 -c "__import__(\"sys\").setrecursionlimit(2**31-1); exec(open(\"$(which dollcode)\").read())" "$@"' _ +print((lambda d,ud,args:d(int(args[-1]))if'-n'in args else d(int(''.join(map(lambda x:str(hex(ord(x))[2::]),args[-1])),16))if'-a'in args else ud(args[-1])if'-dn'in args else(lambda h:''.join(map(lambda i:chr(int(h[i:i+2],16)),range(0,len(h),2))))(hex(ud(args[-1]))[2::])if'-da'in args else"0x6e6174\'s dollcode conversion tool\n\t-n: encode decimal number as dollcode\n\t-a: encode ascii string as dollcode\n\t-dn: decode dollcode as decimal\n\t-da:decode dollcode as ascii string")(lambda n:''.join(map(lambda n:''.join(['▖','▘','▌'][int(n)]),(lambda f:(lambda x:f(lambda y:x(x)(y)))(lambda x:f(lambda y:x(x)(y))))(lambda f:lambda n:(lambda x,y:str(f(x))+str(y))(*divmod(n-1,3))if n else'')(n))),lambda d:__import__('functools').reduce(lambda a,d:a*3+d,map(lambda x:{'▖':1,'▘':2,'▌':3}[x],d),0),__import__('sys').argv)) ++python is a very good language. this is observable in that it allows integers to have arbitrarily$[make-footnote "up to a value that the user can change at runtime"] many digits. +it isn't really sure why python allows this, but it is glad it does, because it is funny. +one may wonder: "why is the shebang like that?" +the answer is because it did not want to set the recursion limit inside of the actual program, and decided it would be amusing to have a really weird shebang instead. +
+~ λ dollcode -a nat +▖▖▖▖▘▖▖▖▖▘▌▖▖▖▘ ++
+~ λ dollcode -da $(dollcode -a nat) +nat ++it is very efficient: +
+~ λ dollcode -a "$(for i in {0..65536}; do echo -ne a; done)" >/dev/null & pid=$!; while kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; do pmap -x $pid | tail -n 1 | awk '{print ""$3/1024/1024 " GB"}'; sleep .5; done; wait $pid +[1] 11113 +0.0247803 GB +0.261642 GB +0.625462 GB +0.982468 GB +1.34475 GB +1.69653 GB +2.07035 GB +2.43603 GB +2.80609 GB +3.16292 GB +3.53598 GB +3.90202 GB +4.27491 GB +4.63856 GB +5.02195 GB +5.37629 GB +5.75089 GB +6.13502 GB +6.48058 GB +6.85527 GB +7.24199 GB +7.6222 GB +7.96089 GB +8.33753 GB +8.719 GB +9.0616 GB +9.44017 GB +9.82001 GB +10.1397 GB +10.526 GB +10.9109 GB +11.0703 GB +10.956 GB +10.8826 GB +10.8184 GB +0 GB +[1] + done dollcode -a "$(for i in {0..65536}; do echo -ne a; done)" > /dev/null +$[make-footnote 'it had to kill firefox to perform this test'] +
+~ λ time dollcode -a "$(for i in {0..65536}; do echo -ne a; done)" >/dev/null +dollcode -a "$(for i in {0..65536}; do echo -ne a; done)" > /dev/null 13.35s user 4.77s system 99% cpu 18.168 total +$[make-footnote 'one must not worry, it is only like that for large inputs. this one is pretty sure there is some exponential time (and memory) complexity in there somewhere'] +