python is extremely extensible, though natalie is not sure that is intentional.
firstly, here is the end product of this venture:
from goto_label import *
count = 0 
#LABEL lol
print('this prints twice')
count += 1 
goto &lol if (count <= 1) else goto &goto_statements_are_a_perfectly_reasonable_thing_to_have_in_python

#LABEL last_print
print('this prints last')
goto &stop

#LABEL ellipsis
print('at least Ellipsis() has some use now, for normal reasons that make sense')
goto &last_print

#LABEL goto_statements_are_a_perfectly_reasonable_thing_to_have_in_python
print('it is sure this is how the variety of language features it is abusing were intended to be used')
goto &ellipsis
#LABEL stop

its beautiful.
this outputs the following:
this prints twice
this prints twice
it is sure this is how the variety of language features it is abusing were intended to be used
at least Ellipsis() has some use now, for normal reasons that make sense
this prints last

now then, how does this work?

design decisions

given that evidence suggests python programs can be edited, natalie decided not to use line number based gotos and instead define labels that could be jumped to. this makes things less annoying to edit and maintain, and developer experience is obviously a very important consideration with this project.
additionally, to maximize ease with which this ""library"" can be utilized, one must only import the file to experience the wonder of python with goto statements.

technical implementation

firstly, labels: has a function prepare_labels(fp, scope). this function looks for any labels (defined via /^#LABEL labelname/) in the file at fp, and defines them under the scope scope. each label is defined as a label object. natalie resents using an object for this (which you can see by its not using the class keyword), but python is python and you cannot override operators without having a class. it could just not override the operators, but it wanted goto to be called in a unique way that is separate from how a function would be called. label objects have only one attribute: lineno, which is determined by an extremely rudimentary parser and then offset by 2 to account for the fact that lines are 0 indexed in the "parser" but not in real life and the fact that the label definition comment takes its own line.

the actual goto implementation:
it does not remember how this works because it wrote most of the _goto function like 3 months ago after reading the sys and inspect module docs. its projects have this fun property wherein they are in one of three states: done; not touched or thought about for 2-36 months; and done. oh well, the goto function is vaguely self explanatory anyways.
there is some weirdness with operator overloading and how every goto statement is actually just calling what would normally be the bitwise and operator on an instance of the class _goto (not to be confused with the function _goto) and a label object, but that is both very simple and not required to understand this.
also, it does not want to explain that because it is tired.

automatically parsing the importing file on import:
normally, globals are not shared between modules, but python has this cool feature where if there is a general statement to be made about it then this statement can be invalidated using either the sys, inspect, or ctypes library. this is easily the simplest part as we just grab the filename and global scope of the importing file via the inspect library and pass them to prepare_labels().

import sys, inspect

debug = False

def prepare_labels(fp, scope):
    with open(fp, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith('#LABEL'):
            # 1 + 1, first to account for 0 index then to account for comment line
            scope.__setitem__(line.split(' ')[1].strip(), type(

_goto = type('goto', (object,), dict(__and__=lambda _, other: _goto(other.line)))

goto = _goto()

def _goto(lineno):
    if debug: print(lineno)
    frame = sys._getframe().f_back.f_back
    called_from = frame

    def hook(frame, event, arg):
        if event == 'line' and frame == called_from:
                frame.f_lineno = lineno
            except ValueError as e:
                print("jump failed:", e)
            while frame:
                frame.f_trace = None
                frame = frame.f_back
            return None
        return hook

    while frame:
        frame.f_trace = hook
        frame = frame.f_back

prepare_labels(inspect.stack()[-1].frame.f_code.co_filename, inspect.stack()[-1].frame.f_globals)

natalie finds much enjoyment in the syntax for calling a goto statement being goto &label. it looks like something that thoroughly does not belong in python.

ideas for future improvement: making label names override builtin function names (unreasonably possible) and making a __call__ method on label objects that jumps to that label. hopefully no one creates any labels named "print".
random other programs it (badly) implemented using if conditions only for goto statements out of boredom:


from goto_label import *

def fib(n):
    depth = 0 
    a = 1
    b = 0
#LABEL fib_start
    a, b, depth = b, b + a, depth + 1
    if depth > n+1: goto &fib_end
    goto &fib_start
#LABEL fib_end



from goto_label import *

def fizzbuzz(n):
    count = 0
#LABEL fizz_start
    str = ''
    if n == count: goto &fizz_end;
    count += 1 
    if count % 3 == 0: goto &fizz; 
#LABEL buzz_check
    if count % 5 == 0: goto &buzz;
    goto &output;

#LABEL fizz
    str += 'fizz'
    goto &buzz_check;
#LABEL buzz 
    str += 'buzz'
#LABEL output
    print(str if str else count)
    goto &fizz_start;
#LABEL fizz_end 


number of times the python interpreter segfaulted today: 7
syntax highlighting here is done via :TOhtml in vim. it should work?