<!-- TITLE: my friend made me a shirt! --> <!-- DATE: 2024-08-09 20:22:38 --> <image-column-container> <image-container> <flex-column> $[img-caption /files/thoughts/talgo-shirt-front.jpg 'the shirt in question, it has a talgo 8 trainset on the front'] $[img-caption /files/thoughts/talgo-shirt-back.jpg 'the back of the shirt, with the talgo logo'] </flex-column> </image-container> <text-column> <h2>this is my favorite shirt!</h2> <p>it is so good! and my friend made it!</p> <p>it is purported to be made with a cnc vinyl cutter and a heat press.</p> <p> I very much enjoy the talgo 8 trainsets that are operated by amtrak here. I find the shared bogie design of the cars to be interesting. I greatly enjoy the fact that I have fake talgo merchandise now. this friend and I rode this model of train to seattle somewhat recently, it was much nicer than the other amtrak rolling stock, which we rode on our return journey. </p> </text-column> </image-column-container>