$[echo visit >> files/home_visit_counter]
Natalie website
$[python3 -c 'import utils; print(utils.parse_file("html/header.html"))' | sed 's/\$PREV_URL\$/"{prev}"/']
I'm Natalie[ee].
$[find files/homepage-statements/* | shuf -n1 | xargs -I % cat %]
home.html was last modified on $[stat -c %y ./home.html | head -c 10].
I am not sure what I am going to use this site for, it only exists because I was procrastinating my calculus homework bored one day.
Website homepage visit counter: $[cat files/home_visit_counter | wc -l]
Particularly noteable pages
Information about this website
Information about me
There is also a blog. I do not use it frequently.
There are also random natalie thoughts. sometimes they might be interesting
$[find -maxdepth 1 -type d | sed 1d | xargs -I% echo '%' | sed 's/\.\///g' | grep -v pycache | grep -v .git]
$[cat changelog]
Site file tree
File tree hidden for brevity
$[tree . | sed 's/^\./site/; s/─/-/g; s/├/|/g; s/└/\\/g; s/│/|/g' | sed '1i\' | sed '$a\
Autistic collection of 88x31s
$[for file in ./files/88x31/*; do (file -i "$file" | grep -qE 'image/') && echo "" || cat "$file"; done | shuf]
Post arbitrary data to my website to be displayed here
Yes, I do sanitize this. (No you don't --sanitization tester) Yes, I do.
$[ls -r ./files/posts-to-homepage/* | xargs cat]