diff --git a/html/footer.html b/html/footer.html index 5e0ea02..edc0570 100644 --- a/html/footer.html +++ b/html/footer.html @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ diff --git a/html/natalie-info.html b/html/natalie-info.html index fb1495d..f9919e3 100644 --- a/html/natalie-info.html +++ b/html/natalie-info.html @@ -10,69 +10,52 @@ $[include html/header.html]

What is a "natalie?"

- natalie is an entity that has been observed to be called natalie. - it is known to be referred to as a "she" or an "it." - it is frequently told it is "cat brained" by humans it associates with. - natalie-info.html was last modified on $[stat -c %y ./html/natalie-info.html | head -c 10]. +

what is a "natalie?"

+ I am natalie. obviously. +

+ words are not a thing I am good at. this is exacerbaited when the words are about myself. + despite this, I shall attempt a suitable description of myself. +

+ ideally, I am to be referred to as an "it" or a "she". the former is preferred to some degree.
+ timezone I am in: $[date "+%Z (UTC%z)"].
+ age: $[echo $(( $(date +%s) - $(date -d "2007-04-01" +%s) ))] seconds. that is $[echo "scale=8; ($(date +%s) - $(date -d '2007-04-01' +%s)) / (365.25*24*3600)" | bc] [earth] years.
+ I am kind of a college student. it is complicated. I will be a college student with less complications by fall of 2025.
+ I like systems. particularly ones that have reasonably consistent behavior based on a set of rules. this is omnipresent in my interests. +
+ list of interests: + things that I enjoy: + things I find displeasing:

Timezone (this is currently broken? I don't know why. The correct time is PDT or the other one)

- its really quite odd, the commands run to generate this section are just date "+%Z (UTC%z)" and date +%T. When I run these in an ssh session, they give expected output, but when the server executes them, it thinks its in UTC. baffling. - Timezone I am in: $[date "+%Z (UTC%z)"]
- The local time as of this page being requested was: $[date +%T] +

somewhat irregular natalie facts


Other online presence


contact information

Discord: _natalieeee_ - Email: natalie@natalieee.net -

Other things

- I will probably include information about myself that is vaguely identifiable. - This is a bad idea, but I don't think anyone actually cares about messing with me enough to do anything bad with whatever information is available here. - I am comically bad at writing about myself, so I will disguise my shortcomings by making a list. - -

Vaguely funny things I have done (Don't read this if you are employed by Portland public schools)

- -

Music I listen to (you should too)

- I am going to use this as a means by which I can impose music recommendations upon whoever reads this page. - According to a hacky script I wrote that tracks what songs I listen to with mpd, here are artists I like:
- place playcount artist
- 1 1935 Black Dresses
- 2 745 Ada Rook
- 3 425 Angel Electronics
- 4 419 rook&nomie
- 5 360 Reliqa
- 6 282 Destroy Boys
- 7 238 Rachel Rose Mitchell
- 8 221 Cellar Darling
- 9 218 Florence + The Machine
- 10 193 Spiritbox
- 11 141 Inferiority Complex
- 12 111 Ignea
- 13 101 Ada Rook/ASH NERVE
- 14 97 Ada Rook/Sunrise Transparence
- 15 80 Penelope Scott
- 16 71 Seas on the Moon/Lena Scissorhands
- 17 61 Ada Rook/Ash Nerve/Sunrise Transparence/Stephen Spies
- 18 60 Seas on the Moon
- 19 52 girl in red
- 20 50 Cassyette
+ email: natalie at natalieee.net + xmpp: nat@natalieee.net
$[include html/footer.html] diff --git a/html/site-info.html b/html/site-info.html index ea5af24..35f8056 100644 --- a/html/site-info.html +++ b/html/site-info.html @@ -11,53 +11,59 @@ site-info.html was last modified on $[stat -c %y ./html/site-info.html | head -c 10].
- The theme of my website has changed since the creation of this page. See blog post. -

Root dommain





- This website is really weird from a technical standpoint. - Firstly, I have nginx operating as a proxy service for my subdomains. - I am not going to talk about my subdomains here because they will all probably be utterly self-explanatory, or have their own about section. - Following this, I have a simple python script running a webserver that serves html documents and other files, as you would expect. - The weirdness comes from the cursed custom """parser""" and syntax for the html documents. - Any html documents in the sites files may contain an expression like "$[echo \$\[...]]" where ... is bash code. - Upon being requested by a browser, the web server executes each instance of one of these expressions and replaces the expression with the executed expression's output. - In addition to this, upon being requested, each instance of "{}" in a page is replaced with an arbitrary value provided by the webserver and specified by its index in the list of all "{}"s in the file. + I was displeased with my former status of not having a website



- In short, I generate static content for the pages (I am unwilling to use javascript because javascript) not through any standard means but through hacky and stupid bash scripts. - There is not a particular reason for me to do it this way, I was just bored. - A sort of neat example of this system is the html for the directory index page (like here). + requests to /(.*\.)?natalieee.net/ get routed to nginx, which acts as a proxy for my subdomains. + nginx routes requests requests to /^natalieee.net/ to this webserver, which is named sludge. + requests to /.*\.natalieee.net/ are routed according to the /.*\.natalieee.net/ section.



- $[cat files/dir_index.html] +



+ the root domain of this website, which you are currently observing, is running sludge. + the colors of both the light and dark mode are based off of the colorscheme of my laptop. +






what is a sludge?


s[ite][k]ludge is my from-scratch webserver. it has features.




I dislike "web development". also, I was bored.


what does sludge do?

+ +

how does sludge?


+ sludge receives requests for paths. if these paths are in the routing table, it determines what it should respond with. generally, if the path starts with /html/, it will read an html document from the filesystem. + following this, it will locate any instance of "{key}" and replace these instances with a value determined by a function associated to the route being requested in the routing table. + after substituting these values, it will find any instances of the pattern "$[echo \$\[...]]", where ... is a valid bash expression. for each match, it replaces the original matching text with the output of said text executed in bash. + this functions as a static sight generator. an example of this is the headers on this site, which are included via the following expression: "$[echo \$\[include ./html/header.html]]" +


+ sludge also has the ability to apply arbitrary edits to outgoing data prior to said data being sent, but after it has been generated. you may observe this here. +




- - At the moment, this site is running on some dell optiplex 3040 (I think?) I have in my basement. - In the future, I would like to get this running on the server that I took from the basement of my school (with permission of an employee who I am pretty sure did not have the authority to allow me to do this, but I'm not complaining). - - I have moved this site to the server I took from school. See server-migration.html -


- This website is was designed to look reasonably similar to my laptop: - $[img-caption "/files/my-laptop.png" "A screenshot of my laptop with its old colorscheme"] - *My laptop no longer looks like this. -

$[include html/footer.html] diff --git a/html/thoughts/things-I-should-do b/html/thoughts/things-I-should-do index c0fc7b6..25edee2 100644 --- a/html/thoughts/things-I-should-do +++ b/html/thoughts/things-I-should-do @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
  • relocate moth
  • per location config
  • make thought posts be managed by a system other than git, such that each thought does not require a new commit
  • +
  • make it harder to press the key that puts my keyboard in to bootloader mode
  • things I have done: